Furbol is a platform that allows you to find, join and play football games organised by other users like you (Hosts).



  1. Furbol is a platform where you can find, join, and play football games hosted by other users.


  1. Users must be older than 14 years old
  2. Users sign-up and sign-in with an SMS verification code sent to their phone number
  3. Users adopt Nicknames that need not to be their real name
  4. Users can deactivate and reactivate their profile at anytime
  5. Users can download their personal data at anytime
  6. Users can delete their profile and their data forever


  1. Users can join a game individually
  2. Users can place, move and remove other users (followers) in a game
  3. Users can book spots for external guests in a game
  4. Users can join a game anonymously with other players seeing only their reputation (aggregate statistics but not their profile page).
  5. A game requires a minimum and allows for a maximum number of players that can join
  6. A game is called “sold-out” the moment it reaches the required minimum number for the first time.
  7. Players can join a game until the maximum number of players is reached
  8. Players can leave a game at any time for any reason.
  9. Players leaving a sold-out game will incur in the loss of their participation fee and a decrease of their reputation
  10. Games are always played in any conditions and with any number of players unless they are cancelled by the host.
  11. Players are required to show up at the field or they may be flagged as a "no show" by other players.
  12. Players can join as many games as they wish even on the same day or at the same hour.
  13. Players of games that get sold-out are removed from all the other games they may have joined for that day.
  14. When players are in a sold-out game they cannot join other games on the same day unless they are taking place in the same centre and at a compatible hour.


  1. The standard participation fee for a game is measured as the maximum amount to be contributed in the case both goalkeepers have joined and only the required minimum number of players have joined
  2. The final charged fee can be lower than the standard participation fee depending on the actual number of players and goalies on the field.
  3. Hosts can require participation fees to be paid online or cash at the field
  4. To Join a game that requires participation fees to be paid online, players must have sufficient credit in their Furbol wallet.
  5. The online participation fee is charged to players only if and when the game has been played and to those users that left the game when it was sold-out.
  6. When players join a game the amount needed to pay the online participation fee is frozen as “pending” in their wallet.
  7. To join more than one game in the same day, the amount of credit needed is NOT the sum of all the games’ fees but only the highest fee among those of these games.
  8. Players that are removed from a game are not charged their participation fee.
  9. If the game is not played players are not charged their participation fee.
  10. The game can be sanctioned as "not played" if the majority of players say so in the voting process.
  11. Goalkeepers never pay a participation fee.
  12. Goalkeepers can be hired for a fee at the expense of the participants if the host so decides or on the voluntary initiative of individuals that can put a bounty on their recruitment.


  1. Any user can be a host and host a game
  2. A public game is a game that anyone can join
  3. A private game is a game that is visible to everyone but only invited users can play
  4. A secret game is a game that only invited users can see and play
  5. Hosts (likely sport centres) can let other hosts buy out and take over their games
  6. Hosts can move and remove players at will
  7. Players can move or remove other players that are their followers
  8. A host can cancel a game at anytime
  9. When a game is cancelled players are refunded


  1. Invited users can invite other users
  2. Invitations can be sent through the platform or by sharing the “Invitation link” that is available to all invited users.
  3. Hosts can put and remove restrictions on access to their games such as age, gender, level, reliability, etc.
  4. When a host puts restrictions on a game Furbol removes players that are not compatible with those restrictions.
  5. Hosts can revoke invitations and block users from joining a specific game or all of their games (Blacklist)
  6. Players can, for any reason, report other players as suspicious (SUS). A player that is reported as SUSpicious by the majority of participants can be removed from a game by anyone


  1. Furbol aims to be rewarded by the only users it truly wants to benefit: players
  2. After 5 free trial games, users are asked to pay the equivalent of 2 BigMacs circa for a 6-month pass.
  3. If a player doesn’t play any game in 6 months the pass is refunded.
  4. Users can cover the cost of the pass to other users.
  5. The pass is not a subscription and excludes any type of automatic renewals
  6. Furbol will never take a cut from hosts or sport centres or from participation fees
  7. Furbol will never sell its users' data or share it for monetization purposes nor it will bend the user experience for advertising purposes.

This article was updated on July 19, 2023